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Sibling Rivalry

Now Playing: Phoenix Wright (Cheers Mike!)
Now Listening to: Jenny Lewis- Rabbit Fur Coat
Now Watching: Lost (crap second season) and Scrubs.

Another day, another thrashing, courtesy of my big brother.

Y'see, every day we play this game called 'Tipsy Wanny' in the front garden. Theres some Scottish slang in there, roughly translated it reads 'Touchey Onesy'. It's a football game, and the aim is to get the ball in the others net (or fence). Heres the catch, you're only aloud one touch, until the other touches the ball again. We play 3 games, best out of 2, first to 10.

It started off as some good clean fun, but now, like most things involving my bro, it's turned into something more. Every day we play, no matter the situation. One day we were in the middle of a 'tournament', and it started pissing down, thunder storm and all. Did we call it a day?

Fuck no.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes it can be a right laugh, but the thing is, I lose most of the time, and for the rest of the night (even at the pub) I have to put up with taunts and idiotic theories like, 'You subconsciously don't want to beat me because I'm your big brother' and the classic *points at self* 'Ability.' The thing that makes this all worth it though, is the rare occasion when I do beat him, and I rub it in. I run it in good. Though it wasn't worth it the time he belted the ball off my back, leaving a read circle (which is still there, a little.)

So once again, here I am, sweat on my face and a cheeser on my brothers.

I know what you're thinking, what an incredibley sad family.

You're right.


Now Playing: nothing..
Now Listening to: Eels!
Now Watching: Prison Break

Fuck yeah!

After 3 ball-grinding weeks, my exams have finally finished. No more studying, memorising stupid diagrams, Sitting in a silent room full of people aching for a fart, and best of all, no school for 10 WEEKS! Smilie I hope to spend that time excercising and catching up on friends, but first I definatley need to catch up on some sleep. For most of my exams I got to sleep at 3-4 o'clock and was forced to get up at 7.

Purchased Metroid Prime Hunters at the weekend, surprisingly the first game I've bought in about a year. It was awesome to releive stress, but I went through it in about 3 days Smilie I'm hoping to go back to G-Force and swap it tommorrow, so if anyone has any suggestions that would be great Smilie I was thinking along the lines of New Super Mario Bros, but at the same time I'm very tempted by the likes of Yoshi Touch and Go and Mario and Luigi 2.

Not very good at the blog thang, but theres not much to do at 12 noon..


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